Google Bussiness Listing

Google Business Listing Optimisation

About Google My Business

Google My Business is a free and easy-to-use tool for businesses and organizations to manage their online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. If you verify and edit your business information, you can both help customers find your business and tell them your story.

Why is it important for the businesses to list themselves on Search & Maps?

Today 3 out of 4 shoppers search online when they want to find a business, and 7 out of 10 made a purchase from a business they found using a search engine. By listing themselves on Google, businesses can appear right when people search for products or services they offer, allowing interested customers to learn more or get in touch with them. Today millions of Indian businesses are on Maps and are connecting directly with their customers. For example, Foresight School in Ahmedabad gets 30% of its customers through Google by managing their reviews and regularly posting their special offers and events.

How will GMB help me optimize my business?

Google My Business helps businesses attract more customers. Specifically, it can help businesses:

1. Stand out by sharing latest and useful information: Customers search online to look for specific information e.g., directions, opening hours, photos and offers and compare businesses. By sharing the latest information, photos and offers you can use Google My Business to tell customers what makes your business special
2. Engage with customers: Customers share stories, leave reviews, and reach out to small businesses right from their phones. Google My Business lets you join the conversation about your business. Respond to reviews, answer messages and questions, and get more calls from interested customers
3. Set Lucknowa free mobile optimized website in less than 10 minutes: With Google My Business, you can build a free website that looks great. The free website builder makes it easy to create and edit your site from your computer and phone It also gives you information about which photos get noticed, and where your customers come from
4. Discover how customers find you: Google My Business gives you important information about how customers find you and interact with your listing. You can track information about the number of searches for your business, incoming phone calls and requests for directions. It also gives you information about which photos get noticed, and where your customers come from.

Google Local Business Listing Services in Lucknow| Lucknow(DPIS Web- Your IT Partner)

We care about you, your project and your business

  • Google Business Listing Optimisation
    Dedicated project manager
  • Google Business Listing Optimisation
    Theme testing
  • Google Business Listing Optimisation
    Page speed optimization
  • Google Business Listing Optimisation
    Semantically rich code
  • Google Business Listing Optimisation
    SEO-optimal code
  • Google Business Listing Optimisation
    Responsive design
  • Google Business Listing Optimisation
    Version control
  • Google Business Listing Optimisation
    In-house team
  • Google Business Listing Optimisation
  • Google Business Listing Optimisation
    Easy to Access

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Wan't to boost your bussiness